The current Republic of Azerbaijan, which is actually originated from historical provinces of Armenia Artsakh, Utik, Paytakaran, from region of Nakhichevan and the Caucasian, Kashatagh Kashunik regions Syunik - which was result of their alienation from Armenia and by forcing association to Azerbaijan before the heroic battle of Karabakh, from first years of its formation, has distributed the anti-Armenian propagation on the state level.
It should be noted an important fact. The name "Azerbaijan" is not even composed by Azerbaijanis. In fact, it's the name of "Atrpatakan" which is province of historical Iran, and which is literally stolen - considering far-reaching political aspirations. Steps of Azerbaijan are predominantly directed to mutilation of the facts of the Armenian culture and history, according to which Azerbaijan wants - by covering up claims against Armenians and the Armenian cultural heritage, to represent itself to the international community as an aboriginals having the age-old rich history. Since 1960s in Azerbaijan a number of Armenian monuments, stone sculptures and khachkars, which were definitely set up by Armenian in various eras, without any basis, named 'Afghani'. And earlier, more less building type of mosques, castles, mausoleums , etc. which were built by Turks, Kurdish tribes, Iranian khans, the Caucasian Tatars were mentioned as Azerbaijanis.
In Azerbaijan had begun destruction of Armenians and generally Christian churches in 1920-40, and when in 1950-1960 Soviet government had refused to struggle against each kind of religious monuments, in Azerbaijan with new impetus had begun destruction of medieval monuments, and at this time - under protection of the state. Furthermore, in the end 1960s the Azeri historians, art critics, architects and journalists became a stooge for political special work. They unanimous declared "Afghan" all Armenians monuments which were built before the 17th century (since the 4th century here are mentioned Christian Armenians but after the 10th century are mentioned Afghan tribes which aren't in history any more). Destruction of the Armenian cultural monuments and distortions of the fact of the Armenian history in Azerbaijan - passes till now, furthermore, the process has developed into anti-Armenian propagation on the state level, which is sponsored and funded by the authorities of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis have begun an information war, where are involved the leading information sites, scientific and popular periodicals, newspapers, and in other words all types of mass media.
Against the Armenian ethos, culture and history it is inseminated the planned hatre at schools and universities of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's appetite is so big, that by a number of "scientists" are published absolutely baseless theses and they continue to make articles, that In fact Yerevan was founded by Azerbaijani on the 17th century BC. However, all facts are for the benefit of us, the Armenians, but those should be periodically mentioned. Let me mention a few monuments, which are fully or partially contravened by Azerbaijan. Against the Armenian ethos, culture and history it is inseminated the planned hatred at schools and universities of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's appetite is so big, that by a number of "scientists" are published absolutely baseless theses and they continue to make articles, that In fact Yerevan was founded by Azerbaijani on the 17th century BC.
However, all facts are for the benefit of us, the Armenians, but those should be periodically mentioned. Let me mention a few monuments, which are fully or partially contravened by Azerbaijan.
a.) The Armenian Monastery Getamijo which has been based in 1301 in the Tsar village and which, according to photos, stood in 1950-s, now, is completely destroyed. Azeris used stone fragments as a building material for buildings of adjacent villages.
b.) The bridge on Vorotan river, which has been built in 1867 in region Kashatagh by means of Simeon Lalazaryants - from it is crustily grated building reports, written by the Armenian language.
c.) In region Shamakhi monastery Meysaru - was exploded in 1978 by Azerbaijanis, as well, in area Getabnak of Northern Artsakh Surb Sarkis Church which was photographed on December in 1982 during the unsparing demolition of it and in the end of 1980-s when it was completely destroyed. It must emphasize one important fact. During Karabakh war, under the order of the state bodies of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijanis, even during short time which they had under their control, have destroyed the monuments located in the Armenian areas and, military forces of the country participated in such an inglorious affairs. I cannot pass over the reality of destruction Julfa khachqars which are located near the borders with Iran and Nakhichevan, and it is very painful for heart of each Armenian (see details ???): By it Azerbaijan has made unforgivable and irreparable crime against humanity and world culture, which is more than barbarity. The destruction of khachqars allowed scientists of Azerbaijan to compose new thesis, which were raised to the international community during an exhibition in UNESCO on June 15 in this year when as a result of misinformation of Azerbaijan, from many khachqars were removed the signs which showed that they were Armenian (see details Without changes - represent this empty statement: “In areas of Nakhichevan and Karabakh lived the Caucasian Albanians. They were Christians, they created khachkars which are differ from the Armenian ones. The cemetery of the Caucasian Albanians in Nakhichevan has from 4th millennium BC up to 8th century of our era antiquity. As for the Armenian cemetery in Nakhichevan, this phenomenon of 19-th century. Azerbaijanians have not destroyed Armenian khachkars”( see details
Though it is surprising but actually international community believed such unfounded delirium, as the signs have not been restored and nobody apologized Armenians. Therefore let nobody dares to say that it should stand apart from Information war, because we have many internal problems. We must stand up for inherited history which our noble ancestors have left to us, and not to let misrepresentation of facts about Armenian history and arts, always acting diplomatically, thoughtful and reasonable - speaking from the demanding position.
It should be noted an important fact. The name "Azerbaijan" is not even composed by Azerbaijanis. In fact, it's the name of "Atrpatakan" which is province of historical Iran, and which is literally stolen - considering far-reaching political aspirations. Steps of Azerbaijan are predominantly directed to mutilation of the facts of the Armenian culture and history, according to which Azerbaijan wants - by covering up claims against Armenians and the Armenian cultural heritage, to represent itself to the international community as an aboriginals having the age-old rich history. Since 1960s in Azerbaijan a number of Armenian monuments, stone sculptures and khachkars, which were definitely set up by Armenian in various eras, without any basis, named 'Afghani'. And earlier, more less building type of mosques, castles, mausoleums , etc. which were built by Turks, Kurdish tribes, Iranian khans, the Caucasian Tatars were mentioned as Azerbaijanis.
In Azerbaijan had begun destruction of Armenians and generally Christian churches in 1920-40, and when in 1950-1960 Soviet government had refused to struggle against each kind of religious monuments, in Azerbaijan with new impetus had begun destruction of medieval monuments, and at this time - under protection of the state. Furthermore, in the end 1960s the Azeri historians, art critics, architects and journalists became a stooge for political special work. They unanimous declared "Afghan" all Armenians monuments which were built before the 17th century (since the 4th century here are mentioned Christian Armenians but after the 10th century are mentioned Afghan tribes which aren't in history any more). Destruction of the Armenian cultural monuments and distortions of the fact of the Armenian history in Azerbaijan - passes till now, furthermore, the process has developed into anti-Armenian propagation on the state level, which is sponsored and funded by the authorities of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis have begun an information war, where are involved the leading information sites, scientific and popular periodicals, newspapers, and in other words all types of mass media.
Against the Armenian ethos, culture and history it is inseminated the planned hatre at schools and universities of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's appetite is so big, that by a number of "scientists" are published absolutely baseless theses and they continue to make articles, that In fact Yerevan was founded by Azerbaijani on the 17th century BC. However, all facts are for the benefit of us, the Armenians, but those should be periodically mentioned. Let me mention a few monuments, which are fully or partially contravened by Azerbaijan. Against the Armenian ethos, culture and history it is inseminated the planned hatred at schools and universities of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's appetite is so big, that by a number of "scientists" are published absolutely baseless theses and they continue to make articles, that In fact Yerevan was founded by Azerbaijani on the 17th century BC.
However, all facts are for the benefit of us, the Armenians, but those should be periodically mentioned. Let me mention a few monuments, which are fully or partially contravened by Azerbaijan.
a.) The Armenian Monastery Getamijo which has been based in 1301 in the Tsar village and which, according to photos, stood in 1950-s, now, is completely destroyed. Azeris used stone fragments as a building material for buildings of adjacent villages.
b.) The bridge on Vorotan river, which has been built in 1867 in region Kashatagh by means of Simeon Lalazaryants - from it is crustily grated building reports, written by the Armenian language.

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